9. July 2017

Pet in the event of death

Rechtlich wird ein Haustier zumeist wie eine Sache behandelt. Es gibt aber im Interesse des Tierwohls Sonderregeln, die sowohl zu Lebzeiten als auch im Todesfall gelten. Was der Tod von Halterin oder Halter für Hund, Katze etc. bedeutet, und wie dafür vorgesorgt werden kann, zeigen wir Ihnen in diesem Text auf.

28. June 2017

The way to inheritance – how does an inheritance work?

After the death of a loved one, an inheritance and the community of heirs face each other. But who gets what only becomes clear when the estate is divided. What happens if the heirs disagree on the distribution of the estate?

19. June 2017

Guardianship provision – guardian in case of death

What is a guardianship provision? In principle, Swiss law provides for legal provisions when parents decease. If only one parent dies, custody usually remains with the surviving parent – given this is within the best interest of the child. This is automatically the case for parents who are married, as well as those who are […]