Manage your last will. Compose a will that meets the legal requirements.
Create will
Patient decree
Generate online your individual template. The documents provided by us are effective when needed.
Create patient decree
Advance care directive
"With my advance care directive, I have appointed confidants who will represent me in the event of my incapacity of judgement."
Create advance care directive

Do good – beyond the end of life

Do good – beyond the end of life

«I can look back on a happy life and want to pass something on»

Would you like to pass on your values and beliefs beyond your death and create something lasting? Through an inheritance or a legacy to a certified aid organisation, your savings will help those who need it most. With an appeal for a funeral donation, you show your solidarity and support a meaningful cause. Learn more here about people who have supported aid organisations beyond the end of their lives.

Estate, Legacy & Gift

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