21. March 2023

Recognition of a marriage contracted abroad

A marriage abroad is not immediately valid in Switzerland. Swiss authorities need to authenticate the marriage. This article explains the recognition of a marriage contracted abroad.

11. May 2018

CAPA – What is it and when does it intervene?

The Child and Adult Protection Authority (“CAPA”) ensures the protection of persons who are unable to take care of their needs themselves. The goal is the mildest restriction to personal freedom, which is imperative for the protection of individuals.

19. June 2017

Guardianship provision – guardian in case of death

What is a guardianship provision? In principle, Swiss law provides for legal provisions when parents decease. If only one parent dies, custody usually remains with the surviving parent – given this is within the best interest of the child. This is automatically the case for parents who are married, as well as those who are […]