26. April 2022

Taxes after death – what tax demands ensue after someone dies?

For heirs, tax consequences after someone dies are often unexpected – whether these are the deceased’s tax debts as of the date of death or the tax demands of the tax office toward the heirs. It can be helpful to clarify the financial circumstances in advance.

6. July 2020

Which NGOs and NPOs are tax-exempt?

Organisations that are tax-exempt throughout Switzerland and its cantons Not all NGOs are the same. The abbreviation for nongovernmental organisation is often simplistically equated with charitable organisations. We’ll clarify the terminology further in another article. As a general principle, the legal structure of an NGO, INGO, or NPO is irrelevant for their tax exemption: they […]

9. December 2019

Exemption from inheritance tax and gift taxes in Switzerland

Each canton has different tax rules for inheritance, legacies and gifts. You can save rather a lot of money if you know the tax exemptions and reductions. So it is worth taking a look at the regulations for your canton.

17. June 2017

Inheritance advance – what you need to know

An inheritance advance is a special form of gift. However, the recipient must offset this free gift from their share of the inheritance when the estate is divided up. Read on to find out what you need to know to prevent disputes later on.