21. June 2023

Effective Legacy Fundraising with DeinAdieu

Digital legacy fundraisingfor Nonprofit Organisations Why legacy fundraising? Across Switzerland, more than 500 NGOs are contesting for a donation volume of 2.1 billion Swiss francs. In the increasingly fierce competition for donations and with ever-decreasing government subsidies, many NGOs are under great pressure to raise funds. At the same time, more than 95 billion Swiss […]

10. February 2021

Doing good – Beyond the End of Life

«I can look back on a happy life and I want topass something on.» Doing good makes one happy Studies show again and again: Donating money to and investing time in a good cause makes people happy. You too can do good for others even beyond the end of your life – and without much […]

8. April 2021

Digital inheritance fundraising for Swiss NGOs

Why inheritance and legacy fundraising? Across Switzerland, more than 500 NGOs are fighting for a donation size of 1.6 billion Swiss francs. In the increasingly fierce competition for donations and with ever-decreasing government subsidies, tmany NGOs are under great pressure when it comes to raising funds. At the same time, more than 95 billion Swiss […]

8. January 2021

«Marc, your optimism gives me strength.»

1. January 2021

DeinAdieu zählt inzwischen 124 Stiftungen und Vereine zu seinen Partnerorganisationen.

24. May 2023

Neu steht den Stiftungen und Vereinen eine Whitelabel-Variante des kompletten Vorsorgedossiers für die eigene Page zur Verfügung (Testament, Vorsorgeauftrag, Patientenverfügung).

1. January 2023 – ein Angebot für das deutsche Publikum sowie deutsche Stiftungen und Organisationen wird lanciert.

1. June 2016 geht Partnerschaft mit der Stiftung Dialog-Ethik ein

31. December 2022

DeinAdieu zählt inzwischen 192 Stiftungen und Vereine zu seinen Partnerorganisationen.

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